Friday, May 23, 2008

Thursday Night, May 22, 2008

This thursday ended with us on track, finishing up 1 Kings 18--the showdown on Mt. Carmel.
HEre are some pics of swords. I drew these to give us an idea about the kind of sword that was used back then to kill people with. Different from the straigher, narrower European swords. Not too different from the Arabic curved "Scimitar" of the Sarrasins (during the time of the crusades).

But before we got into Elijah, we hit up the following Scripture track:
Luke 19--the parable of the minas
Jude 14, 15
Rev. 19:11-21 (which Abe, a local pastor and first-time Bible Study visitor has tattooed on his right arm real big)
Then 1 Cor. 6:2
...and Luke 9:55
Then on to Rev. 20 and 21, the final apocalyptic showdown between the reign of Jesus, the will of man, and the subversive pride of the Devil...

Don't miss Isaiah 14:12-15 for the fall of satan
...which Jesus references in Luke 10:17-18

The Elijah stuff was kind of a "blow by blow", getting us into the actual "being there" experience of the stuff...


dtrue said...

the scripture track is a little intense. For those who were not there, can you give a little synopsis of your train of thought. I wish I would have been there but ladies' night was pretty good though. we learned about what does it mean to be spiritually mature from 1 Corinthians 2 and 3.

dtrue said...

that was me sarah not david :)