Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Provervbs 21:8

2007.11-21 Bible study-Provervbs 21:8

"The way of a guilty man is perverse;
But as fo rthe pure, his work is right."

there is something rotten about unconfessed sin.
Like an abscess that hasn't been heated, lanced, pressed and drained, unconfessed sin and the guilt that comes with it is a corruptive influence in the life of a child of God.

Get it out. Go to the ones you've hurt--the ones affected by the sin--and get it out. Clean house. Make the person you appear to be the same as the one you really are. That is integrity: the integration of the outside, public you with the inside, private you.

We all stumble in many ways, but our lord has provided us with instruction on how to live obediently to Him in regard to failures and sins. Confession keeps us clean and paves the way for healing. It is an opportunity for the love of God to prosper in the church, to the glory of Christ.

Look at the rot that entered the camp with Achan, early in the book of Joshua.

Look at how the only way for the Moabites to get an edge on Israel was through the seduction of sin! (Rev. 2:14) (and read the torah-first five books)

With unconfessed sin, we bring the curse of God and give the advantage to the enemy of our souls. he always wants to accuse us, even as jesus ever lives to make intercession for us. (Jn.17) (Hebrews)

James 5
if your brother sins and apologizes...
Matt 18:15
Mt. 18: 21-22
Col. 3:12-13

there it is. there is going to be sin in the camp. But we can avoid the curse of guilt and the humiliation of God's discipline. We can shut the mouth of the Devil.

Look at Joshua the high priest in the days of Zechariah (ch.2 or 3) and how God dealt with the evident sin in his life.
1. Sin was exposed before God
2. Sin was cleaned away.
(ps. 51--we actually sin against God, alone?)
3. God delivers an injunction against sin, with promises.

Look at John 8, and the woman caught in adultery!

1. Sin exposed before God, cleaned away.
2. Sin forgiven, and warned against.

that's that.

Look at Isaiah 6
Isaiah confesses his own sin, God just plumb forgives it. Told the angel to get a coal, and... done deal.

Think about all these... let the puzzlement fade to wonder. God has given the gift of His one and only Son on the cross to make this forgiveness ours.

Let us "Kiss the Son..." (Psalm 2)

1 comment:

Lew said...

...and what I mean by that is, repent. totally align your life to obedience to Christ! plow it up and sow it fresh.

He will visit that with His Spirit! Go see what I'm talking about.