Monday, November 19, 2007

Proverbs 19

For today's proverbs, I'm only going to touch one: verse 3.

"A man's own folly ruins his life,
yet his heart rages against the LORD."

In my NKJV it says:

"The foolishness of a man twists his way,
And his heart frets against the LORD."

What do you think about this? I love it. It brings me such relief to know that the LORD is good, and that when I'm angry at him, it's ME. I'm the one who is a fool, in such cases, and i can STOP fretting against him...

and i have fretted against him, in my own heart's folly. and i will, again, most likely. but this proverb lays me down, tellign me that when I'm raging against God by complaining about His plan, or whining and fretting about his way in my life, that he's not taking me into consideration as I wish... that i am wrong.

and that's good news.

...that I'm a fool.

and that's a healing rebuke.

When my own foolishness has twisted my way, my first inclination is to complain against God... at least it had been. I don't know so much, now. As I walk in fellowship with Jesus, I grow more and more fond of His Discipline and chastisement. I am beginning to recognize the troubles of life as the media of God's best loving lessons and equipping... literally fitting us for heaven...

yet i have been good and foolish before...

but there are people who are FOOLS! These folks are totally BENT! Pride and mockery, scoffing and cursing are the water in their fishtank. They're twisted at heart, with no fear of God. they wake up and care only about their own appetites. These ones are the ones this proverb is really scraping on. They are quick to blame God, listing all the things they see wrong with the world and their environment and circumstances as evidence against yeilding to Jesus Christ or the gospel or the kingdom or however you want to say it...

and their blaming god, prating on all the reaasons they have for not following His Word, is vain. empty. they have twisted it.

Now, there are some who don't believe, and aren't so bent. they are waiting... they are looking for a compelling reason, proof, or evidence to sway them in one direction or another.. they're different people... they have reservations and concerns, but are seeking answers or understanding. Their hearts don't rage or fret against God, but are still supple to His teaching. God will touch them, surely.

Hey, no matter where you are,no matter what's happening, don't BLAME God, SEEEEK God. He loves you. What you're going through is launch-pad material for a walk with Him.
He loves you. He really does.

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